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ITHit.FileSystem Namespace

IT Hit User File System
This namespace contains classes and interfaces for creating user file systems that are supported cross-platform.
Public classBlockedException
Thrown in case of a file is blocked and can not be updated.
Public classChangeEventItem
Item desctiption supplied for each item during any changes in the file system as part of IItemsChange.
Public classConflictException
Thrown in case of a conflict between remote storage and user file system.
Public classCode exampleEngine
Represents custom user file system. Listens to OS file system calls and calls user interfaces implementations when data is required.
Public classEngineStateChangeEventArgs
Event state change argument. Contains previous Engine state and a new Engine state.
Public classEngineErrorEventArgs
Event error argument. Contains exception rised by the IEngine instance or by the user code.
Public classEngineMessageEventArgs
Event message argument. Contains the IEngine instance informational message.
Public classExistsException
Thrown in case of a file or folder exists and can not be overwritten.
Public classFileMetadata
Represents basic information about a file in user file system. In addition to properties provided by the IMetadata provides the Length property and ContentETag property.
Public classFileSystemItemPropertyData
Represents a file property to be displayed in file manager.
Public classFileSystemWatcherQueued
FileSystemWatcherQueued implements event handing of FileSystemWatcher by producer-consumer design to avoid issue with internalBufferSize To further improve performance and reduce the chance of getting the InternalBufferOverflowException: - Run your application in the release mode without debugger attached. - Reduce the size of the path being monitored.
Public classFolderMetadata
Represents basic information about a folder in user file system.
Public classInSyncResultContext
Provides a properties for setting the in-sync status of the item after the operation completion.
Public classInvalidLicenseException
Exception that indicates that the license is invalid.
Public classMetadata
Represents basic information about a file or a folder in the user file system, such as name, creation and modification date, etc.
Public classOperationResult
Contains information about operation result. Such as how many items was updated and the success status of the operation.
Public classPropertyChangeEventArgs
Property change event argument. Contains information about the event and property data.
Public classSynchEventArgs
Synchronization state change event argument.
Public structureCloudFileStatus
Cloud files messages. Default value is STATUS_CLOUD_FILE_UNSUCCESSFUL.
Public interfaceIConfirmationResultContext
Used to confirm move and delation of files and folders in the user file system.
Public interfaceIContext
Platform-dependant information about the item.
Public interfaceICustomData
Represents data associated with a file or folder, organised as a dictionary.
Public interfaceIDataItem
Represents data associated with a placheholder item, stored in a [!:PlaceholderItem.Properties] dictionary. Provides methods for reading and writing the data.
Public interfaceCode exampleIEngine
Represents custom user file system. Listens to OS file system calls and calls user interfaces implementations when data is required.
Public interfaceIFile
Represents a file in the user file system.
Public interfaceIFileMetadata
Represents basic information about a file in user file system. In addition to properties provided by the IMetadata provides the Length property and ContentETag property.
Public interfaceIFileSystemFilter
Allows filtering file system items that should NOT be synced between the user file system and demote storage.
Public interfaceIFileSystemItem
Represents a file or a folder in a user file system. Contains methods common for both files and folders.
Public interfaceCode exampleIFolder
Represents a folder in the user file system.
Public interfaceIFolderListingResultContext
Public interfaceIFolderMetadata
Represents basic information about a folder in user file system.
Public interfaceIInSyncResultContext
Provides a properties for setting the in-sync status of the item after the operation completion.
Public interfaceIInSyncStatusResultContext
Provides methods for setting the in-sync status of the item, reporting operation progress and reporting status to the platform.
Public interfaceIItemsChange
Contains information about the item(s) change and item(s) data.
Public interfaceILock
Represents file of folder that can be locked in the remote storage.
Public interfaceILogger
Represents a file system logger.
Public interfaceIMapping
Maps remote storage path to the user file system path and vice versa.
Public interfaceIMenuCommand
Represents context menu command.
Public interfaceIMetadata
Represents basic information about a file or a folder in the user file system, such as name, creation and modification date, etc.
Public interfaceIOperationContext
Provides information about the environment.
Public interfaceIProcessInfo
Provides information about a user process
Public interfaceIPropertiesDictionary
Custom data associated with a file or folder.
Public interfaceIResultContext
Provides methods for reporting operation progress and reporting status to the platform.
Public interfaceIResultContextBase
Operation result context.
Public interfaceIServerCollectionNotifications
Updates subtree based on the information from the remote storage.
Public interfaceIServerNotifications
Creates, updates, moves and deletes placeholder files and folders based on the info from the remote storage.
Public interfaceISyncService
Represents snchronization service.
Public interfaceITransferDataOperationContext
Public interfaceITransferDataResultContext
Public interfaceIValidateDataOperationContext
Provides additional parameters for the [!:IFile.ValidateDataAsync] method call.
Public interfaceIValidateDataResultContext
Used to return results of validation of the integrity of placeholder data from [!:IFile.ValidateDataAsync] call.
Public delegateEngineStateChangedEventHandler
State change event delegate.
Public delegateEngineErrorEventHandler
Error event delegate.
Public delegateEngineMessageEventHandler
Message event delegate.
Public delegatePropertyChangeEventHandler
Property change event delegate.
Public delegateSyncronizationEvent
Synchronization state change event delegate.
Public enumerationEngineState
Indicates if the Engine is running, stopping or in stopped state.
Public enumerationFileSystemItemType
Item type - file or folder.
Public enumerationFolderOperationControl
Result for folder operations.
Public enumerationLockMode
Indicates if the file is locked manually or automatically.
Public enumerationMenuState
Represents menu state.
Public enumerationModified
Indicates if the file or folder is modified in the remote storage or in the user file system.
Public enumerationNotificationTime
Item change notification type.
Public enumerationOperationSource
Indicates if the operation it initiated by the remote storage or by the client.
Public enumerationOperationStatus
File system item operation result status.
Public enumerationOperationType
Represents file system operation type
Public enumerationPropertyOperation
Property operation.
Public enumerationSyncDirection
Indicates synchronization direction.
Public enumerationSynchronizationState
Synchronization state.