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OperationType Enumeration

IT Hit User File System
Represents file system operation type

Namespace:  ITHit.FileSystem
Assembly:  ITHit.FileSystem (in ITHit.FileSystem.dll) Version: 8.5.27248.0
public enum OperationType
  Member nameValueDescription
Populate0 The folder content is being populated (listed).
Create1 The item is being created.
CreateCompletion2 The item creation is completed.
UpdateContent3 The item content is being updated.
UpdateMetadata4 The item metadata is being updated.
ShadowDownload5 The file content is being download to a shadow folder.
Delete6 The item is being deleted.
DeleteCompletion7 The item delete is completed.
Move8 The item is being moved.
MoveCompletion9 The item move is completed.
Dehydration10 The item is being dehydrated.
Lock11 The item is being locked or lock mode is being requested before locking.
Unlock12 The item is being unlocked or lock mode is being requested before unlocking.
See Also