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IValidateDataOperationContext Interface

IT Hit User File System
Provides additional parameters for the [!:IFile.ValidateDataAsync] method call.

Namespace:  ITHit.FileSystem
Assembly:  ITHit.FileSystem (in ITHit.FileSystem.dll) Version: 8.5.27248.0
public interface IValidateDataOperationContext : IOperationContext

The IValidateDataOperationContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyExplicitHydration
Indicates explicit hydration by the API call.
Public propertyFilter
If the operation was filtered, the filter is set in this property.
(Inherited from IOperationContext.)
Public propertyPriorityHint
A numeric scale given to the sync provider to describe the relative priority of one fetch compared to another fetch, in order to provide the most responsive experience to the user. The values range from 0 (lowest possible priority) to 15 (highest possible priority).
(Inherited from IOperationContext.)
Public propertyProcessInfo
Contains the information about the user process that triggered this callback.
(Inherited from IOperationContext.)
Public propertyProperties
Custom data associated with a placeholder, organised as a dictionary.
(Inherited from IOperationContext.)
Public propertyRemoteStorageItemId
Gets remote storage item ID associated with the placeholder.
(Inherited from IOperationContext.)
See Also