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IServerCollectionNotifications Interface

IT Hit User File System
Updates subtree based on the information from the remote storage.

Namespace:  ITHit.FileSystem
Assembly:  ITHit.FileSystem (in ITHit.FileSystem.dll) Version: 8.5.27248.0
public interface IServerCollectionNotifications : IServerNotifications

The IServerCollectionNotifications type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateAsync
Creates new file and folder placeholders in the user file system in this folder.
(Inherited from IServerNotifications.)
Public methodDeleteAsync
Deletes a file or folder from the user file system.
(Inherited from IServerNotifications.)
Public methodMoveToAsync(String)
Moves the file or folder placeholder in the user file system. This method succeeds only if source is loaded in to user file system and target parent folder exists and is not offline.
(Inherited from IServerNotifications.)
Public methodMoveToAsync(String, IFileSystemItemMetadata)
Moves the file or folder placeholder in the user file system. Automatically creates the target or deletes source depending on items existance.
(Inherited from IServerNotifications.)
Public methodMoveToAsync(Byte, String, IFileSystemItemMetadata)
Moves the file or folder placeholder in the user file system by remote storage item ID. Automatically creates the target or deletes source depending on items existance.
(Inherited from IServerNotifications.)
Public methodPoolingAsync
Starts pooling synchronization.
Public methodProcessChangesAsync
Public methodUpdateAsync
Updates a file or folder on this virtual drive. This method automatically hydrates and dehydrates files.
(Inherited from IServerNotifications.)
See Also