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OperationStatus Enumeration

IT Hit User File System
File system item operation result status.

Namespace:  ITHit.FileSystem
Assembly:  ITHit.FileSystem (in ITHit.FileSystem.dll) Version: 8.5.27248.0
public enum OperationStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
Success0 Operation succeeded.
Failed1 Operation failed.
Exception3 Exception occured. The Exception field contains exception.
Filtered5 Operation was prevented by a filter. The FilteredBy field contains IFileSystemFilter that prevented this operation.
NotFound9 Operation failed because the item does not exists or the item is offline.
ParentNotFound17 Parent folder does not exists or is offline or not synced.
TargetNotFound33 Operation failed because the target parent folder does not exists or is offline. This status is set in case of a move operation.
Blocked65 The item is blocked by other application, thread or by the platform.
Conflict129 Conflict between remote storage and user file system.
Cancelled257 Operation was cancelled.
NotNew513 Failed to create an item in the remote storage because the item already synched to the remote storage (the item is not new).
InSync1025 The operation failed becuse the item is in-sync.
Moved2049 The operation failed becuse the item is moved.
New4097 Failed to update item because the item is new. Item must be created in the remote storage first.
USNsDoNotMatch8193 Failed because the file was modified during upload to remote storage. Starting and ending USNs do not match.
CanNotChangeRoot16385 The operation failed because root can not be deleted or moved.
NotInSyncResult32769 The method call instructed to set the item in not in-sync state. For example if update failed because the item chenged in the remote storage.
FileInUse65537 The operation failed because the file is in use by other application.
NotModified131073 The item was not updated because neither content nor medadata are modified. This result is returned if ContentETag and MetadataETag match content and metadata eTags stored with the placeholder on the client.
NotImplemented262145 The required interface or method is not implemented.
Unauthenticated524289 The operation failed because the request is unauthenticated.
NotAutoLocked1048577 The operation failed because the item is not auto-locked.
BlockedForWriting2097153 The operation failed because the item is blocked for writing.
NotBlockedForWriting4194305 The operation failed because the item is not blocked for writing.
Locked8388609 The operation failed becuse the item is locked.
See Also