FolderControlFlags Enumeration |
IT Hit User File System
The flags that control the folder operations.
ITHit.FileSystem.Windows (in ITHit.FileSystem.Windows.dll) Version: 8.5.27248.0
public enum FolderControlFlags
Public Enumeration FolderControlFlags
public enum class FolderControlFlags
type FolderControlFlags
| Member name | Value | Description |
| MultidestFiles | 1 |
Specifies multiple destination files rather than one directory where all source
files are to be deposited.
| Silent | 4 |
Don't display progress UI (confirm prompts may be displayed still).
| RenameOnCollision | 8 |
Automatically rename the source files to avoid the collisions.
| NoConfirmation | 16 |
Don't display confirmation UI, assume "yes" for cases that can be bypassed, "no" for those that can not.
| AllowUndo | 64 |
Enable undo including Recycle behavior for IFileOperation::Delete().
| FilesOnly | 128 |
Only operate on the files (non folders), both files and folders are assumed without this.
| SimpleProgress | 256 |
Means don't show names of files.
| NoConfirmMkDir | 512 |
Don't dispplay confirmatino UI before making any needed directories, assume "Yes" in these cases.
| NoErrorUI | 1024 |
Don't put up error UI, other UI may be displayed, progress, confirmations.
| NoCopySecurityAttribs | 2048 |
Dont copy file security attributes (ACLs).
| NoRecursion | 4096 |
Don't recurse into directories for operations that would recurse.
| NoConnectedElements | 8192 |
Don't operate on connected elements ("xxx_files" folders that go with .htm files).
| WantNukeWarning | 16384 |
During delete operation, warn if object is being permanently destroyed instead of recycling (partially overrides NOCONFIRMATION).
| NoUI | 1556 |
Don't display any UI at all.
See Also