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IncomingPoolingSyncProcessAsync Method

IT Hit User File System
Starts pooling synchronization.

Namespace:  ITHit.FileSystem.Windows
Assembly:  ITHit.FileSystem.Windows (in ITHit.FileSystem.Windows.dll) Version: 8.5.27248.0
public Task<OperationResult> ProcessAsync(
	CancellationToken cancellationToken = null


cancellationToken (Optional)
Type: System.ThreadingCancellationToken
The token to monitor for cancellation requests.

Return Value

Type: TaskOperationResult
Operation result, indicating if the operation was successfull and how many items was affected. If operation failed contains a reason for the failure.

Calling this method will trigger remote storage to user file system synchronization. The Engine will traverse all folders loaded on the client and call GetChildrenAsync(String, IOperationContext, IFolderListingResultContext, CancellationToken) for each folder to get new folder content from your remote storage. The Engine will compare folder content and create, update and delete items on the client. To find if an item content or metadata is modified the Engine will use MetadataETag and ContentETag properties.

The Engine calls this method automatically if the IncomingSyncMode is set to TimerPooling. You will call this method manually if your remote storage provides information about create, update, delete and move operations via web sockets, on first web sockets connection and every web sockets reconnection.

  • To get all changes from remote storage that were made when the Engine was not running.
  • After web sockets connection to the remote storage is restored.
  • After succesefull authentication.
  • To find and process all items that failed to sync from remote storage to user file system for any reason.

See Also