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IncomingSyncMode Enumeration

IT Hit User File System
Incoming synchronization mode.

Namespace:  ITHit.FileSystem.Synchronization
Assembly:  ITHit.FileSystem (in ITHit.FileSystem.dll) Version: 8.5.27248.0
public enum IncomingSyncMode
  Member nameValueDescription
Disabled0 No incoming synchronization will be initiated by the Engine. To get changes from remote storage using pooling you will call the [!:IncomingPoolingSync.ProcessAsync] method when needed.
SyncId1 Synchronization using on Sync ID algorithm. Your root folder must implement ISynchronizationCollection. During first start the Engine will call the GetChangesAsync(String, Boolean, NullableInt64, CancellationToken) method to get the initial sync token from your remote storage. After that, to sync with remote storage, you will call the ProcessChangesAsync(CancellationToken) method, when remote storage notifies that changes are available.
TimerPooling4 Synchronization using remote storage pooling. The client will periodically pool changes from server by traversing remote storage hierarchy. You will use this mode in case your remote storage does not provide any notifications about changes via web sockets or other technology.
See Also