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IFileSystemItemWindowsMoveToCompletionAsync Method

IT Hit User File System
Called when a file or a folder move or rename operation is completed.

Namespace:  ITHit.FileSystem.Windows
Assembly:  ITHit.FileSystem.Windows (in ITHit.FileSystem.Windows.dll) Version: 8.5.27248.0
Task MoveToCompletionAsync(
	string targetUserFileSystemPath,
	byte[] targetFolderRemoteStorageItemId,
	IWindowsMoveContext moveContext,
	IInSyncStatusResultContext inSyncResultContext,
	CancellationToken cancellationToken = null


Type: SystemString
Target path in the user file system.
Type: SystemByte
New parent item ID or null if the ID was never set. This parameter can also be null if the target folder is not a placeholder (for example a new folder).
Type: ITHit.FileSystem.WindowsIWindowsMoveContext
Provides source and target item path.
Type: ITHit.FileSystemIInSyncStatusResultContext
Provides methods for reporting operation progress and reporting status to the platform. If the SetInSync property is set to true the item is marked as in-sync. Otherwise the item remains in the not in-sync state. The SetInSync property is true by default.
cancellationToken (Optional)
Type: System.ThreadingCancellationToken
The token to monitor for cancellation requests.

Return Value

Type: Task
A task object that can be awaited.
See Also