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IStorageProviderCopyHookCopyCallback Method

IT Hit User File System
Determines whether the Shell will be allowed to move, copy, delete, or rename a folder in a cloud provider's sync root.

Namespace:  ITHit.FileSystem.Windows.ShellExtension
Assembly:  ITHit.FileSystem.Windows.ShellExtension (in ITHit.FileSystem.Windows.ShellExtension.dll) Version: 8.5.27248.0
int CopyCallback(
	IntPtr parentWindow,
	FolderOperation fileOperation,
	FolderControlFlags flags,
	string source,
	FileAttributes sourceAttributes,
	string destination,
	FileAttributes destinationAttributes,
	out FolderOperationControl result


Type: SystemIntPtr
A handle to the window that the copy hook handler should use as the parent for any user interface elements the handler may need to display. If FOF_SILENT is specified in operation, the method should ignore this parameter.
Type: ITHit.FileSystem.WindowsFolderOperation
The operation to perform.
Type: ITHit.FileSystem.WindowsFolderControlFlags
The flags that control the operation FolderControlFlags enum.
Type: SystemString
String that contains the name of the source folder.
Type: System.IOFileAttributes
The attributes of the source folder. This parameter can be a combination of any of the file attribute flags.
Type: SystemString
String that contains the name of the destination folder.
Type: System.IOFileAttributes
The attributes of the destination folder. This parameter can be a combination of any of the file attribute flags.
Type: ITHit.FileSystemFolderOperationControl
The integer value that indicates whether the Shell should perform the operation.

Return Value

Type: Int32
Returns S_OK if successful, or an error code otherwise.
See Also