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EngineRiseError Method

IT Hit User File System
Rises Error event. Throws an exception if the ThrowExceptions property is set to true.

Namespace:  ITHit.FileSystem
Assembly:  ITHit.FileSystem (in ITHit.FileSystem.dll) Version: 8.5.27248.0
public void RiseError(
	string message,
	string sourcePath = null,
	string targetPath = null,
	Exception ex = null,
	IOperationContext operationContext = null,
	int callerLineNumber = 0,
	string callerMemberName = null,
	string callerFilePath = null


Type: SystemString
Error message.
sourcePath (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Path in user file system to the file or folder that caused the error.
targetPath (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Path to the target file or folder path in case of copy, move or rename.
ex (Optional)
Type: SystemException
Exception to be passed in Exception property to Error event handler.
operationContext (Optional)
Type: ITHit.FileSystemIOperationContext
callerLineNumber (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
callerMemberName (Optional)
Type: SystemString
callerFilePath (Optional)
Type: SystemString


IEngineRiseError(String, String, String, Exception, IOperationContext, Int32, String, String)
See Also