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IFolderCreateFolderAsync Method

IT Hit User File System
Creates a new folder in the remote storage.

Namespace:  ITHit.FileSystem
Assembly:  ITHit.FileSystem (in ITHit.FileSystem.dll) Version: 8.5.27248.0
Task<IFolderMetadata> CreateFolderAsync(
	IFolderMetadata folderMetadata,
	IOperationContext operationContext,
	IInSyncResultContext inSyncResultContext,
	CancellationToken cancellationToken = null


Type: ITHit.FileSystemIFolderMetadata
Information about the new folder.
Type: ITHit.FileSystemIOperationContext
Type: ITHit.FileSystemIInSyncResultContext
If the SetInSync property is set to true the item is converted to a placeholder and is marked as in-sync. Otherwise the item remains a regular folder. The SetInSync property is true by default.
cancellationToken (Optional)
Type: System.ThreadingCancellationToken
The token to monitor for cancellation requests.

Return Value

Type: TaskIFolderMetadata
A newly created item. In the returned data set the following fields:
  • Remote storage item ID. It will be passed to GetFileSystemItem() during next calls. See RemoteStorageItemId description for more details about the remote storage item ID.
  • Medatdata eTag. The Engine will store it to determine if the item metadata should be updated.

If this method completes without exceptions and the SetInSync property of the inSyncResultContext parameter is set to true the item is converted to a placeholder and is marked as in-sync. Otherwise, the folder is not converted to a placeholder and remains a regular folder.

Setting the SetInSync property of the inSyncResultContext parameter to false has the same affect as throwing an exception inside this method.

See Also